Nicholas Poponea, D.O.

For an appointment, call (602) 274-7195

Provider's Name: Nicholas Poponea, D.O.

Specialty: Critical Care Medicine | Pulmonary

Location: Phoenix Office

 •  Medical School:  Michigan State College of Osteopathic Medicine, East Lansing, MI
 •  Residency: McLaren Oakland Hospital, Pontiac, MI
 •  Fellowship: McLaren Oakland Hospital, Pontiac, MI
 •  Years in Practice: Since 2014
 •  Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care
 •  Hospital Affiliation: tbd

Professional Interest: Lung Cancer, Diagnostic Bronchoscopy, Asthma, Neurocritical Care, Medical Education

Personal Interest: Camping, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Skiing, Mountain Biking
